In standing, bend the knees into a ¼ squat position Swing both legs simultaneously to the left, then right to 20° of hip rotation The pelvis should not rotate or laterally shift to follow the knees Keep the 1st metatarsal head fully weight bearing on the floor. |
Can you prevent the pelvis and back rotating to follow the legs? Can you prevent side bending of the trunk and lateral movement of the shoulders? Can you keep the trunk upright and prevent further forward bending at the hips? Can you prevent the foot from turning out as the knee swings out to 20°? Can you prevent the big toe from lifting as the knee swings out to 20°? |
Single Leg ¼ Squat + Hip Turn |
Stand on one foot keeping pelvis and shoulders level, and arms across the chest Take a small knee bend 30°, and hold this position for 5 seconds Then moving the trunk and pelvis together, turn 30° away from the standing foot Hold this position for 3 seconds Turning back to the front straighten the knee Repeat the movement, standing on the other leg |
Can you keep the pelvis facing straight ahead as you lower into the small knee bend and hold the position for 5 seconds? Can you prevent side bending of the low back and trunk in the small knee bend position or during the rotation? Can you prevent the trunk from leaning further forward in the small knee bend position? Can you prevent the (WB) knee turning in across the foot to follow the pelvis as you turn the pelvis away from the standing foot? Can you prevent the (WB) arch from rolling down or toes clawing? |
Bridge + Heel Lift + Single Straight Leg Raise & Lower |
Lying in crook lying position, lumbopelvic neutral position, arms folded across the chest Maintaining position, lift the pelvis just clear of the floor (about 2 cm) Lift heels into full plantar flexion Maintaining position, slowly take weight off one foot and straighten that knee keeping thighs level. Then slowly raise the straight leg, moving the thigh up towards the vertical position, then slowly lower the straight leg (extend the hip) to horizontal Return to crook lying and repeat on the opposite side |
Can you prevent low back flexion as the straight leg raises? Can you prevent low back extension as the leg lowers? Can you prevent pelvic rotation against asymmetrical single leg load? |
Controlled Shoulder Internal Rot |
Stand tall with the scapular in neutral position, shoulder abducted to 90°, 15-30° forward of the body in scapular plane, elbow flexed to 90° Ensure humeral head and shoulder blade, are in neutral position Maintaining upper arm and scapular position, rotate the arm to lower the hand down towards the floor. Monitor the scapular at the coracoid with one finger and the front of humeral head W with another finger during medial rotation There should be 60° of independent medial rotation of the shoulder joint |
Can you prevent the upper back and chest from dropping forward as you rotate the arm? Can you prevent the upper back and chest from turning as you rotate the arm? Can you prevent the coracoid rolling or tilting forward? Can you prevent forward protrusion of the humeral head? |
4 Point - Arm Reach Forward And Back |
Start on all fours, knees under the hips and hands under the shoulders Position the spine, scapulae and head in neutral mid position Maintaining neutral position, shift body weight onto one hand, slowly lift the other arm off the floor to reach behind you to 15° shoulder extension. Then move to lift and reach the arm in front to ear level. Repeat to other side |
Can you prevent either shoulder blade hitching? Can you prevent either shoulder blade dropping or tilting forward? Can you prevent winging of the weight-bearing shoulder blade? Can you prevent forward protrusion of the head of the shoulder joint as the non weight-bearing arm extends? |
Plank + Lateral Twist |
Lie face down supported on elbows, positioned under shoulders and forearms across the body, side by side. Maintaining the knees and feet together, bend the knees to 90°, and push the body away from the floor taking the weight through the arms into a ¾ plank, keeping a straight line with legs, trunk and head. Maintaining lumbopelvic neutral position shift the upper body weight onto one elbow, during the weight shift the body should move laterally (approx 5-10cm). Turn the whole body 90° from the (WB) shoulder to a ¾ side plank, the trunk, pelvis and legs should turn together and remain in a straight line. Return to starting position again maintaining position. Repeat the movement to the other side |
Can you prevent the weight-bearing shoulder blade dropping? Can you prevent the weight-bearing shoulder blade winging or retracting? Can you prevent forward protrusion of the humeral head of the weight-bearing shoulder joint as you turn onto one arm? Can you prevent the low back from arching? Can you prevent the pelvis from leading the twist as you turn from the front plank position towards the side plank position? |
One Arm Wall Push |
Stand tall in front of a wall, hold the arm at 90° flexion, hand placed on the wall, scapular in neutral, move the feet one foot length further back away from the wall, lean forward and take body weight on the hand Keeping the shoulder blade, trunk and pelvis in neutral, slowly bend the elbow to lower the forearm down to the wall Lower the elbow so the forearm is vertical and fully weight-bearing against the wall, then push the body slowly away from the wall to fully straighten the elbow Do not allow the trunk and pelvis to rotate or arch towards the wall. Repeat with the other arm |
Can you prevent the upper back from flexing or rounding out as the arm pushes away from the wall? Can you prevent the upper back from rotating? Can you prevent the weight-bearing shoulder blade from hitching or retracting? Can you prevent forward tilt or winging of the weight-bearing shoulder blade? |
Split Squat + Fast Feet Change |
Step out with one foot (4 foot length), feet facing forwards and arms folded across chest Keeping the trunk upright, drop down into a lunge, rapidly switch feet in a split squat movement, control the landing Then lift the heel of the front foot to full plantarflexion and hold this heel lift in the deep lunge for 5 seconds, then lower the heel and without straightening up, rapidly switch feet in a split squat movement, control the landing After the landing, again lift the heel of the front foot to full plantarflexion and hold this heel lift in the deep lunge for 5 seconds Repeat the heel lift twice with each leg in the forward position |
Can you prevent side bending of the trunk? Can you keep the trunk upright and prevent the trunk leaning forward at the hips towards the front foot? Can you prevent the front knee moving in across the line of the foot? Can you prevent the foot from turning out or the heel pulling in as you land? Can you prevent the heel of the front foot from rolling out during the heel lift? |
Lateral Stair Hop + Rotational Landing Control |
Stand side on to a box/step (approx 15 cm) with the feet together, and arms by your side Keeping the back straight bend the knees into a ‘small knee bend’ position, lift the outside leg off the floor to balance on the inside leg Hop laterally up onto the box/step / keeping the back upright and controlling the landing into the ‘small knee bend’ position Hold this position for 5 seconds Then hop back down off the box to rotate through 90° to land on the same leg turning to face away from the box/step Repeat with the other leg |
Can you prevent the trunk or pelvis from rotating? Can you prevent side-bending of the trunk as you land on the hop down? Can you prevent the body from leaning forwards at the hip as you land? Can you prevent the landing knee turning in across the foot as you hop down? Can you prevent the arch from rolling down or toes clawing as you hop down? |