Table 1. Means (±SD† ) for the ultra-short-term lnRMSSD (i.e., 0-1 min; 1-2 min; 2-3 min; 3-4 min; 4-5 min) and lnRMSSDCriterion values obtained before and after 3-4 weeks of preseason training in futsal players (n = 24).
Before After ∆% (90% CI) Lower/Trivial/Higher (rating)
0-1 min 3.3 (.6) 3.7 (.6) 12.4 (9.0-18.1) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
1-2 min 3.1 (.8) 3.7 (.5) 17.4 (9.5-25.4) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
2-3 min 3.2 (.7) 3.6 (.5) 11.9 (6.2-15.5) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
3-4 min 3.2 (.7) 3.7 (.5) 15.2 (9.4-18.9) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
4-5 min 3.2 (.6) 3.6 (.5) 13.7 (9.5-18.9) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
Criterion (5-10 min) 3.2 (.6) 3.7 (.4) 16.1 (12.5-18.8) 00/00/100 (almost certainly)
† : values are expressed in milliseconds
∆%: percentage of change.