Table 2. Descriptive characteristics of included studies with artistic gymnasts. |
Study |
Participants |
Training |
Data source |
Measured areas |
Outcome |
QA |
Number |
Sex |
Age (yrs) |
Tanner stage |
History (yrs) |
Volume (hours/week) |
Zanker et al. (2003) |
AG (10) UC (10) |
M M |
8.1±0.2 7.6±0.1 |
I I |
1-2 |
4-6 |
Whole body, lumbar spine. |
AG had similar measured bone values with UC. |
4/7 |
Zanker et al. (2003) |
AG (10) UC (10) |
F F |
8.1±0.1 7.6±0.1 |
I I |
3-4 |
8-10 |
Whole body, lumbar spine. |
AG had higher LS aBMD and compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Cassell et al. (1996) |
AG (14) UC (17) |
F F |
8.8±0.2 8.3±0.2 |
I I |
≥1 |
13.9 |
Whole body. |
AG had higher WB aBMD compared to UC. |
5/7 |
Dyson et al. (1997) |
AG (16) UC (16) |
F F |
9.8±0.9 9.9±0.8 |
I I |
3-7 |
16-23 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral region, radius. |
AG had higher LS aBMD and FN aBMD; and total, trabecular and cortical distal radius aBMD compared to UC |
4/7 |
Courteix et al. (1998) |
AG (18) UC (13) |
F F |
10.4±1.3 10.7±1.0 |
I I |
≥3 |
10-15 |
Lumbar spine, femur, radius. |
AG had higher LS aBMD, FN aBMD and FA aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Dowthwaite et al. (2006) |
AG (12) UC (10) |
F F |
10.0±1.0 10.4±0.9 |
I I |
≥2 |
10.3±2.4 |
Lumbar spine, femoral neck, forearm. |
AG had higher LS aBMD, FN aBMD, FA aBMD, LS BMC, FA BMC and FA BA compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Nickols-Richardson et al. (1999*) |
AG (9) UC (9) |
F F |
11.0±0.3 11.1±0.3 |
I I |
7.1±0.6 |
15.7±1.6 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral region. |
AG had higher WB aBMD, LS aBMD, FN aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Lehtonen-Veromaa et al. (2000a) |
AG (16) UC (14) |
F F |
11.2±0.7 10.9±0.9 |
I I |
≥4 |
≥7.5 |
Lumbar spine, femoral neck, forearm. |
AG had similar measured bone values with UC. |
4/7 |
Burt et al. (2012) |
AG (30) UC (29) |
F F |
8.9 (6-11) 8.6 (6-11) |
26/4/0/0/0 24/5/0/0/0 |
2.6-3.5 |
9.2-12.0 |
pQCT |
Radius. |
AG had higher FA BMC, distal radius BMC, distal radius aBMD and proximal radius BA compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Vicente-Rodriguez et al. (2007) |
AG (13) UC (13) |
F F |
9.7±1.5 9.9±0.7 |
3/10/0/0/0 2/11/0/0/0 |
3.4±2.8 |
≥12 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral region. |
AG had higher FA aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Dowthwaite et al. (2006) |
AG (16) UC (18) |
F F |
11.4±0.9 11.0±0.8 |
≥2 |
14.7±5.3 |
Lumbar spine, femoral neck, forearm. |
AG had higher FN aBMD, FA aBMD, FN BMC, FA BMC and FA BA compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Erlandson et al. (2012a) |
AG (25) UC (22) |
F F |
11.6±1.9 11.9±1.7 |
I-V I-V |
≥2 |
≥15 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral neck. |
AG had higher FN aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Nurmi-Lawton et al. (2004) |
AG (45) UC (52) |
F F |
11.3±2.3 11.3±1.9 |
I-V I-V |
6.5±2.4 |
20.9±4.5 |
Whole body, lumbar spine. |
AG had higher WB aBMD, LS aBMD, WB BMC and LS BMC compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Pikkarainen et al. (2009) |
AC (52) UC (44) |
F F |
13.0±1.7 13.0±1.7 |
I-V I-V |
6.4±2.9 |
N/A |
Lumbar spine, femoral neck. |
AG had higher LS BMC, FN BMC and FN BA compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Lehtonen-Veromaa et al. (2000a) |
AG (50) UC (46) |
F F |
13.3±1.5 13.8±1.3 |
≥6 |
≥9 |
Lumbar spine, femoral neck, forearm. |
AG had higher LS aBMD, FN aBMD, LS BMC and FN BMC compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Maimoun et al. (2011*) |
AG (23) UC (23) |
F F |
13.4±2.2 13.2±2.2 |
6/1/3/1/12 5/5/3/0/11 |
≥8 |
19.9±4.1 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral region, radius. |
AG had higher WB aBMD, LS aBMD, FN aBMD and FA aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Maimoun et al. (2013a*) |
AG (20) UC (20) |
F F |
13.8±2.0 13.7±2.0 |
4/1/2/1/12 2/3/3/1/11 |
≥5 |
20.3±4.2 |
Whole body, lumbar spine, femoral region, radius. |
AG had higher WB aBMD, LS aBMD, FN aBMD and FA aBMD compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Greene et al. (2012) |
AG (28) UC (28) |
F F |
13.7±1.8 14.3±1.1 |
2.0±0.3a 3.2±0.8a |
N/A |
14.0±5.2 |
pQCT |
Tibia, radius. |
AG had higher cortical and trabecular BMC, cortical and trabecular vBMD at the tibia and radius compared to UC |
4/7 |
Dowthwaite et al. (2011) |
AG (60) UC (54) |
F F |
14.2 13.8 |
21/10/5/19 19/12/4/6/13 |
≥1 |
10.5 |
Lumbar spine region. |
AG had higher LS aBMD, LS BMC and LS BA compared to UC. |
4/7 |
Tanner stage: when presented by Roman numbers, it represents what Tanner stages participants were, without specifying the number of participants in each Tanner stage; when presented by Arabic numbers, it represents the number of participants in each Tanner stage acoordingly: I/II/III/IV/V |
aTanner stage given as an average value by the authors. |
* These studies have also measured bone turnover values. AG artistic gymnasts, aBMD areal bone mineral density, BA bone area, BMC bone mineral content, DXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, F female, FN femoral neck, FA forearm, LS lumbar spine, M male, N/A not available, pQCT peripheral quantitative computed tomography, QA quality assessment, UC untrained controls, vBMD volumetric bone mineral density, WB whole body. |