CR1. Are the research objectives or aims clearly stated? |
CR2. Is the study design clearly described? |
CR3. Is the sample size used justified? |
CR4. Are inclusion/exclusion criteria clearly stated? |
CR5. Are appropriate subject information and anthropometric details provided? |
CR6. Is the strength/power/functional performance asymmetry protocol properly described? |
CR7. Are the variables used to measure strength/power/functional performance properly defined in the introduction or methods section? |
CR8. Are the tests used to measure strength/power/functional performance properly described? |
CR9. Are the instruments/measurements used to measure strength/power/functional performance validated for strength measurements (previously trialled, piloted or published)? |
CR10. Is an inter/between-limb strength/power/functional performance asymmetry calculation provided or referenced appropriately? |
CR11. Are the main outcomes of the study relating to strength/power/functional performance asymmetry clearly reported? |
CR12. Are the limitations of the study clearly described? |