Table 5. Severity and Location of injury proportion by Style and by age groups.
Indicators # Inj
# Inj
Style - #Inj Age groups - #Inj
GR* FS†  WW p-value Senior U23 U15 p-value
Severity of injury moderate 24 43.6% 11 8 5 0.516 6 15 3 0.924
severe & critical 31 56.4% 10 11 10 10 17 4
Location of injury head-and-trunk 25 45.5% 11 13 1 0.001** 7 16 2 0.590
upper-and-lower extremities 30 54.5% 10 6 14 9 16 5
#|Number of injuries,
*Greco-Roman Wrestling,
† Freestyle Wrestling,
‡Women Wrestling.
** p<0.05