Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2021) 20, 1 - 8   DOI:

Research article
Effect of Mindfulness Training on Fatigue and Recovery in Elite Volleyball Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Follow-Up Study
Danilo R. Coimbra1, Guilherme G. Bevilacqua2, Fabiano S. Pereira2, Alexandro Andrade2, 
Author Information
1 Life Sciences Institute, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
2 Center of Health and Sports Sciences, Santa Catarina State University, Brazil

Alexandro Andrade
✉ PhD Professor of Santa Catarina State University, Address: Pascoal Simone, 358, CEP 88080-350, Coqueiros, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Publish Date
Received: 21-04-2020
Accepted: 27-10-2020
Published (online): 01-03-2021

Volleyball is a team sport with high physical and perceptual-cognitive demand, hence, increasing the perception of physical and mental fatigue during a competition. To alleviate fatigue (physical and mental), mindfulness and music have been proposed. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of mindfulness-based mental versus music training on mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and recovery in elite competitive female volleyball athletes using a randomized two-controlled study with follow-up. Participants were 30 elite female Brazilian volleyball athletes. Athletes were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1) mindfulness-based mental training group (MBMT); 2) music-based training group (MBT); or 3) control group (CG). Three variables were evaluated as follows: 1) recovery based on total quality recovery; 2) mental fatigue visual analog scale; and 3) physical fatigue visual analog scale. Regarding recovery, there was no difference between the MBMT, MBT, and CG groups (p > 0.05). A difference in mental fatigue was noted between MBT and CG at follow-up [F(2,26) = 5.71, p = 0.009; large]. Regarding physical fatigue, there was no difference between the MBMT, MBT, and CG groups (p > 0.05). The mindfulness intervention effectively attenuated the mental fatigue caused by competition in volleyball athletes. These results will assist coaches and staff in providing fatigue management and reinforce the applicability of mental training in sports.

Key words: Mental fatigue, mental training, team sports, sport psychology

           Key Points
  • No effect of mindfulness and music on physical fatigue of female volleyball athletes after a competition.
  • Mindfulness reduce mental fatigue of female volleyball athletes competition-induced.
  • Music does not reduce mental fatigue of female volleyball athletes competition-induced.
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