Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2024) 23, 526 - 536   DOI:

Research article
The Effects of a 6-Week Plyometric and Sprint Interval Training Intervention on Soccer Player's Physical Performance
Guanglei Yang1, Wenzheng Chen1, , Dongkai Qi2, Jiao Zhang3, Zhengxing Men4
Author Information
1 Basic Teaching Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Sichuan, China
2 Department of Computer Science, College of Computing, Illinois Institute of Technology, Illinois, USA
3 Interest training department, China National Children’s Center, Beijing, China
4 School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Industry, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Sichuan, China

Wenzheng Chen
✉ Basic Teaching Department, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Chengdu 610100, Sichuan, China
Publish Date
Received: 24-02-2024
Accepted: 20-06-2024
Published (online): 01-09-2024

Despite the well-documented benefits of sprint interval training (SIT) and plyometric training (PT) in improving the physical fitness of soccer players, it remains unclear which of these training methods is superior for enhancing players' aerobic and anaerobic performance. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the effects of SIT and PT on physical performance measures of male soccer players. Thirty male soccer players were randomly assigned to PT (n = 10), SIT (n = 10), and an active control group (CON, n = 10). Before and after the training period, participants underwent a battery of tests consisting of vertical jump, Wingate, linear sprint with and without ball dribbling, change of direction, ball kick, and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) tests. Both groups exhibited similar improvements in maximal kicking distance (PT, effect size [ES] = 0.68; SIT, ES = 0.92) and measures of aerobic fitness including maximum oxygen uptake (PT, ES = 1.24; SIT, ES = 1.26) and first (PT, ES = 0.85; SIT, ES = 1.08) and second (PT, ES = 0.86; SIT, ES = 0.98) ventilatory thresholds. However, PT intervention resulted in greater changes in vertical jump (ES = 1.72 vs. 0.82, p = 0.001), anaerobic power (peak power, ES = 1.62 vs. 0.97, p = 0.009; mean power, ES = 1.15 vs. 1.20, p = 0.05), linear speed (20-m, ES = -1.58 vs. -0.98, p = 0.038; 20-m with ball, ES = -0.93 vs. 0.71, p = 0.038), and change of direction ability (ES = -2.56 vs. -2.71, p = 0.046) than SIT. In conclusion, both PT and SIT demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing aerobic performance among male soccer players. However, PT yielded superior improvements in anaerobic power, vertical jump, linear speed, and change of direction performance compared to SIT. These findings suggest that PT may offer additional benefits beyond aerobic conditioning.

Key words: Interval training, jump training, exercise performance, aerobic capacity

           Key Points
  • Both PT and SIT are suitable training approaches for enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness, anaerobic power, and bio-motor abilities in soccer players.
  • PT results in greater gains in vertical jump, anaerobic power, linear sprint speed and COD ability than SIT.
  • Both interventions could be used to enhance the mentioned qualities in this study by considering the priority of the interventions’ objectives.
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