Cram Session in Functional Neuroanatomy: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians is a concise and illustrated quick reference that highlights important anatomical and physiological principles of the nervous system. This book facilitates understanding of nervous system function with specific sections dealing with sensory and motor functions, functions mediated by the cranial nerves and so-called higher cortical functions
The goal of the book, as stated in the introduction, is to provide the reader with a concise overview of key principles regarding human nervous system structure and function
The book is intended for medical students and other medical and health professionals in neurology and neurosurgery
The book is 240 pages, divided into 7 sections and an index at the end. Each section is composed of chapters that deal with specific topics commonly understood to be important in developing an understanding of that particular nervous system function. Every chapter is richly illustrated by figures and tables. In the first section structure and organization of the nervous system is subjected. Functional organization of the sensory systems, somatic motor system, visceral motor system and cranial nerves are subjected in the second, third, fourth and fifth sections, respectively. Sixth section is about cortical organization and higher brain functions. The last and seventh section is about the neuronal environment
This handbook gives basic information in a readily accessible format, as well as more detailed concepts that will allow to better understanding not only how the human nervous system works, but how injuries and disease affect experience and behavior, including cognitive and intellectual functions. Basic information is presented in the form of Key Points related to the subject of each chapter
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