Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( ) 11 , 570

Book review
Editors: Robb S. Rehberg and Joelle Stabile Rehberg
Bibliographic:  ISBN: 978-1-55642-948-4; 2012 by SLACK Incorporated, NJ, USA, 208 pages, soft cover (alk. paper), $31.95
Subjects:  Medical Conditions
Reviewed by: Ufuk Sekir, MD, Prof., Department of Sports Medicine, Medical School of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
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Cram Session in General Medical Conditions: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians is a succinct and descriptive quick reference that provides the rehabilitation professional with a very basic approach to understanding various general medical conditions. Supplemented by concise and user-friendly clinical information on the conditions, this book is the perfect resource for quick and "at your fingertips" facts.
The goal of the book, as stated in the preface, is to serve as a refresher on the basics of general medical conditions, providing the quick and useful information necessary to understand each condition, especially those that may not be seen every day.
All students and clinicians in athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthopedics, and sports medicine will benefit from this book and find it useful.
The book is 208 pages, divided into 13 chapters and chapters include over 125 general medical conditions. The following topics are addressed in the chapters: Chapter 1 is "Cardiovascular conditions", Chapter 2 is "Pulmonary conditions", Chapter 3 is "Neurological conditions", Chapter 4 is "Endocrine and metabolic conditions", Chapter 5 is "Hematological and oncological conditions", Chapter 6 is "Gastrointestinal and hepatic/biliary conditions", Chapter 7 is "Renal, urogenital, and reproductive conditions", Chapter 8 is "Ear, nose, and throat conditions", Chapter 9 is "Infectious disease", Chapter 10 is "Dermatological conditions", Chapter 11 is "Rheumatological conditions", Chapter 12 is "Psychological conditions", and Chapter 13 is "Ophthalmological conditions".
Each condition in the book includes the name of the condition, alternate names, description, causes, clinical presentation, symptoms, diagnosis, and management. Students may find this book useful as a primer or as a study guide for general medical conditions, while practicing clinicians may find it as a handy quick reference guide or refresher that can be useful when presented with conditions they do not commonly encounter.
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