Psychophysiological responses in the pre-competition period in elite soccer players
Déborah Alix-Sy1,, Christine Le Scanff1, Edith Filaire2
Author Information
1 Centre de Recherches en Sciences du Sport, Université Paris-Sud 11, UFR STAPS, Cedex, France
2 LAPSEP, UFRSTAPS Orléans, Orléans Cedex, France
Déborah Alix-Sy ✉ Centre de Recherches en Sciences du Sport, Université Paris-Sud 11, UFR STAPS, Bâtiment 335, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France. Email:
Publish Date
Received: 30-10-2007 Accepted: 09-07-2008 Published (online): 01-12-2008
Déborah Alix-Sy, Christine Le Scanff, Edith Filaire. (2008) Psychophysiological responses in the pre-competition period in elite soccer players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(07), 446 - 454.
Déborah Alix-Sy, Christine Le Scanff, Edith Filaire. (2008) Psychophysiological responses in the pre-competition period in elite soccer players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(07), 446 - 454.
This study investigated pre-competition physiological and psychological states of eighteen elite soccer players. Salivary cortisol was assessed during a non- training day and before three league games. Affective states (unpleasant and pleasant, somatic and transactional emotions) were evaluated using the Tension and Effort-Stress Inventory before the three league games. Participants formed 2 groups, 11 starters and 7 non-starters, depending on the starting list established by the coach. All players reported more intense pleasant transactional and somatic emotions than unpleasant ones prior to all games (p < 0.05), and relatively stable profiles of these psychological responses were observed across the three league games. However, salivary cortisol levels increased during pre-game for all players in comparison with the non- training day (p < 0.001). This anticipatory rise was only related to unpleasant somatic emotions (p < 0.001). This demonstrates that cortisol can be used as an index of emotional response to competition.
Key words:
Emotions, affect, salivary cortisol
Elite athletes perceive the participation to competition as a challenging situation as they experience more pleasant emotions than unpleasant ones in the pre-competition period. This profile is relatively stable across three league games, which is possibly due to the athletes' experience at this level.
Participation to competition lead to anticipatory acute response of cortisol in the pre-competition period, which potentially prepares the athlete to perform.
These responses are not related to status player (e.g., starter versus non-starter)
Physiological stress (e.g. anticipatory rise in cortisol concentrations) is related to negative somatic emotions.
Cortisol may constitute a measure of emotional response in pre-competition period.
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