Constraint-Led Changes in Internal Variability in Running
Anita Haudum1,2,, Jürgen Birklbauer1,2, Josef Kröll1,2, Erich Müller1,2
Author Information
1 Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg
2 Christian Doppler Laboratory 'Biomechanics in Skiing', Salzburg, Austria
Anita Haudum ✉ Christian Doppler Laboratory "", Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg, Rifer Schlossallee 49, A - 5400 Hallein, Austria Email:
Publish Date
Received: 04-08-2011 Accepted: 02-11-2011 Published (online): 01-03-2012
Anita Haudum, Jürgen Birklbauer, Josef Kröll, Erich Müller. (2012) Constraint-Led Changes in Internal Variability in Running. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(11), 8 - 15.
Anita Haudum, Jürgen Birklbauer, Josef Kröll, Erich Müller. (2012) Constraint-Led Changes in Internal Variability in Running. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(11), 8 - 15.
We investigated the effect of a one-time application of elastic constraints on movement-inherent variability during treadmill running. Eleven males ran two 35-min intervals while surface EMG was measured. In one of two 35-min intervals, after 10 min of running without tubes, elastic tubes (between hip and heels) were attached, followed by another 5 min of running without tubes. To assess variability, stride-to-stride iEMG variability was calculated. Significant increases in variability (36 % to 74 %) were observed during tube running, whereas running without tubes after the tube running block showed no significant differences. Results show that elastic tubes affect variability on a muscular level despite the constant environmental conditions and underline the nervous system's adaptability to cope with somehow unpredictable constraints since stride duration was unaltered.
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