Dear Editor-in-chiefWe have read with great interest the article by Colado and Brasil (2019) titled Concurrent and Construct Validation of a Scale for Rating Perceived Exertion in Aquatic Cycling for Young Men that was recently published in Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. We enjoyed very much the construct of validity for correlating RPE derived effort for Aquatic Cycling. Construct validity was established by correlating RPE derived from the Aquatic Cycling Scale (0–10) from the Borg (6 –20) Scale. It treats about a topic of interest from several practical points of views (exercising subjects, therapists, researchers in physiology, water coaches etc.). Nevertheless, the paper needs some improvement in the use of technical terms to better understand the interpretation of correlating the Aquatic Cycling Scale (ACS) with oxygen uptake, pulmonary ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR), and blood lactate concentration (BL) responses to the maximal load-incremental test.
Firstly, it is necessary to clarify the sentence whether it is beats/minute or revolutions on per minute (rpm). The term beats/minute could be confused with the terms used to define the heart rates. It is recommended in a more technical context to use revolutions per minute (rpm). We do not understand the definition of the cadence/rpm that is presented in the paper. We believe that the beat represents one beat for the left leg and one beat for the right leg (one beat left, one beat right). This would make better sense, since it would represent at 100 beats an rpm at 50. In fact, in another paper published in EJSS by the same authors in 2013, the cadence is rightly reported and, as illustrated in Fig. 1 of that paper, ranges from 60 to 90 rpm.
In the current 2019 JSSM paper, in the section “Experimental protocol session”, the authors mention that, as quoted, the subjects were advised to perform one complete pedaling cycle (i.e., 0–360º) in 1 beat, considering that the beat is a steady pulse that is repeated cyclically during one minute and this determine the pace of the movement (for example, 100, 115, 130, etc. beats or pulses per minute). The statement leads to confusion for the reader and erroneously suggests pedaling cadences (rpm) that vary from 100 to 190 rpm. World cyclists on dryland do not reach 190 rpm and typically maintain 100-110 rpm during outings. As well, is it an increment of 15 rpm or 15 beats per min? It is very confusing and unclear. In fact, only elite athletes can reach and sustain cadences close to 100 to 130 rpm on dryland as mentioned in many scientific studies conducted with cyclists (Coyle, 2005; Lucia et al., 2003; Schumacher and Mueller, 2002).
In that sense, it has also been well documented that young men with high levels of weekly physical activity and only elite cyclists are able to reach cadences higher than 90 rpm until a maximum of 135 rpm during one-minute efforts in aquatic environment (Garzon et al., 2015a; Giacomini et al., 2009; Yazigi et al., 2013).
Thus, in all humility, we believe that the paragraph in the JSSM paper has to be revised in order for practioners to use the Aquatic bike (Hydrorider) correctly. Practioners will expect their users to pedal at a cadence of 190 rpm, or even less, for example, 120 rpm for 2 minutes, which is unrealistic.
On the other hand, although the results of the study show that validation criteria stipulated that during the load incremental aquatic cycle maximal test, the RPE derived from the ACS would distribute as a positive linear function of VO2, VE, HR, and BL responses, and that the RPE derived from the ACS and Borg scales would be positively correlated. Our research group has demonstrated that external power output pedaling rate (Pext) relationship and oxygen consumption (VO2) on an immersible ergocycle (IE) is curvilinear (Garzon et al., 2015a; 2015b).
In agreement with other studies, the Pext increases in water as a function of velocity of movement that is to say on pedaling cadence (rpm) (Bressel et al., 2012; Chen et al., 1996; Poyhonen et al., 2000). Therefore, we consider necessary to be cautious when we talk about efforts at submaximal intensities in water because cardiopulmonary responses are different during exercise on immersible ergocycle (IE) (Garzon et al., 2015b).
In another article published to demonstrate the relationship between various expressions of relative exercise intensity percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max), percentage of maximal heart rate (%HRmax), %VO2 reserve (%VO2R), and %HR reserve (%HRR)) in order to obtain the more appropriate method for exercise intensity prescription when using an immersible ergocycle (IE) we showed that linear regressions obtained on IE and DE to predict %VO2R from %HRR, can be considered the most accurate for exercise training prescription for either exercise modality (IE and DE) (Garzon et al., 2017). Therefore, matching exercise intensity on IE from the RPE derived from the ACS as a positive linear function of VO2 may represent a potential bias and would lead to a higher relative percentage of exercise intensity in the water condition.
In conclusion, in all modesty, we believe that those methodological considerations should be taken into account for the interpretation of the results presented by (Colado and Brasil, 2019).
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J. C. and Brasil, R. M. (2019) Concurrent and Construct Validation of
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Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 18(4), 695-707.
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R. and Alves, F. (2013) The cadence and water temperature effect on physiological
responses during water cycling. European Journal of Sport Science 13(6),
Department of Physical Activity Sciences, University of Quebec
in Montreal, Canada |
Dear Editor-in-chief
We would like to thank Dr. Garzon and Dr. Comtois for their interest
in our recently published manuscript entitled “Concurrent and Construct
Validation of a Scale for Rating Perceived Exertion in Aquatic Cycling
for Young Men”. We would like to thank them for their positive
words regarding the topic that we have chosen in our article. We are in
agree that it can be of interest from several practical points of views,
and moreover, as they have well indicated, it can be very useful for different
profile of professionals and users.
Regarding their specific comments emphasized in their observations, it
is necessary to point out that the technical term “beats per minute”
(bpm) has been used in the last decades for monitoring intensity during
different types of exercises both in dry land as in the aquatic medium
(Aquatic Exercise Association, 2010;
Alberton et al., 2011; 2013;
2015; 2016;
2019; Barbosa et al., 2009;
2010; Colado et al., 2008;
2009; Grier et al., 2002;
Kravitz et al., 1997; Pinto
et al., 2015; 2016;
Raffaelli et al., 2010).
More concretely for cycling activities, the technical terms of revolution
per minute (rpm) or bpm have been frequently used, so that the rpm can
be half, the same or double the bpm (Barbado, 2005).
In fact, in previous studies, we have used rpm (Yazigi et al., 2013)
or bpm (Pinto et al., 2016)
for monitoring the intensity of the aquatic cycling exercise, indicating
with them the cadence of the aquatic pedaling exercise. Taking in account
their considerations about our article, we think that maybe the main inconvenient
in the redaction of our study (Colado and Brasil, 2019)
is that we have use both terms together and, as they have indicated, it
should have been probably necessary to have shown some complementary information
at the end of page 697 and beginning of 698 for transmitting more accurately
our procedure, and with this facilitate a detailed interpretation of the
vale results of our study. According to this, we think that this possible
ambiguity highlighted with these terms could be avoided with this additional
Sentence “The subjects
were advised to perform one complete pedalling cycle (i.e., 0–360
º) in 1 beat, considering that the beat is a steady pulse that
is repeated cyclically during one minute and this determine the pace
of the movement (for example, 100, 115, 130, etc. beats or pulses per
minute)” can be better understood if it is rewritten as: “The
subjects were advised to perform one complete pedalling cycle in two
beats (one beat for the left leg and one beat for the right leg), considering
that the beat is a steady pulse that is repeated cyclically during one
minute and this determine the pace of the movement (for example, 100,
115, 130, etc. beats or pulses per minute (bpm))”.
- Sentence “This aspect is usually employed during aquatic cycling
activities when music is used for monitoring the exercise intensity
thought the pedalling cadence” can be better understood if it
is rewritten as: “This aspect is usually
employed during aquatic cycling activities when music is used for monitoring
the exercise intensity through the pedalling cadence”.
- Sentence “Therefore, a complete pedalling cycle of 360º
has been considerate as the equivalent to a revolution per minute in
our study” can be better understood if it is rewritten as: “Therefore,
a complete pedalling cycle of 360º has been considered as the
equivalent to a revolution per minute (rpm) in our study, for example
160 bpm would be the equivalent of 80 rpm”.
According to these clarifications, rpm
should be replaced by bpm through all the text when we are talking about
pedalling cadence of this aquatic cycling activity.
In consideration with their second observation, as they well explained,
some previous studies have shown that due the specific properties of the
aquatic medium the physiology responses could be different to this observed
in dry land (Garzon et al., 2015b),
and this could provoke a more specific non-linear physiology response
to the aquatic cycling exercise (Garzon et al., 2015a).
According to this, our study have presented a linear and non-linear regression
analysis for analyzed if the physiology responses matching with the perceptual
responses during the maximal load-incremental test. In consequence, and
in the line that they have previously observed, the non-linear regression
analysis performed in our study have obtained even higher positive values
in the majority of the variables analyzed than with respect the linear
regression analysis (Figure 3 and 5; Colado and Brasil, 2019).
It can also be observed this non-lineal response of the physiologic variables
analyzed in the figure 4 of our study (Colado and Brasil, 2019).
They have indicated that matching exercise intensity on aquatic cycling
exercise with the rating perceived exertion (RPE) derived from our RPE
scale may represent a potential bias. However, in the same way that in
our study, it must be also point out that other numerous previous results
have supported the use of RPE scales to monitor the relative intensity
of training during head-out water-based aerobic exercises in people of
different age and physical level, in which physiologic variables were
also employed for the validation, as for example was the case of the VO2
(Alberton et al., 2016;
Fujishima and Shimizu, 2003;
Olkoski et al., 2014; Pinto
et al., 2015; Shono et
al., 2000). More concretely,
Robertson et al. (1995)
stated that Borg's 15-category scale for rating of perceived exertion
was a valid psychophysical tool to measure perceptions of exertion during
semi-recumbent immersed ergometer exercise. Matching between physiologic
variables, for example VO2, obtained at different pedalling cadences with
the RPE values was employed in this study (Robertson et al., 1995).
In definitive, we would like to remember that the concurrent validation
of the Aquatic Cycling Scale (ACS) has been performed matching the perceptual
responses with different physiologic variables (i. e. oxygen uptake, pulmonary
ventilation, heart rate, and blood lactate concentration), and all of
them have obtained positive values in the different correlation and regression
analyses performed in our study. It is true that the different variables
have shown different correlation and regression values, but the most important
is that all them together have corroborated ACS as a proper tool for discriminating
between intensities trough a continuum during the aquatic cycling exercise.
From a wider point of view, and considering very positively their recommendations
to our article, we are in agreement with their previous indications about
the possibility of taking in account the rpm as valid monitoring tool
of the intensity during the aquatic cycle activities because can predict
the VO2 consumption during the effort (Garzon et al., 2017b).
In consequence, when aquatic cycling exercise is performed pedalling in
a bicycle that not allowed to modified the size of its components, the
rpm cadence could change the specific intensity of the exercise and this
could be determinate with equations for the corresponding prescription
of that exercise (Garzon et al., 2017b).
However, although in determinate commercially available models of aquatic
bicycles the only method to either increase or decrease the intensity
of exercise is by varying the rpm (Garzon et al., 2015a;
2017b), from our point
of view, this is not the reality for the most aquatic bicycles worldwide,
as is for example the specific case of some models of the brand of the
aquatic bicycles that it has been habitually used in some previous specific
studies (Garzon et al., 2015a;
2015b; 2017a;
2017b). Even more, the
resistance to a given movement in the aquatic medium (drag force) depends
of the device surface and shape, the hydrodynamic form of the body, body
position, etc. (Borreani et al., 2014;
Garzon et al., 2015a; Colado
and Brasil, 2019;, Colado
et al., 2009). Thus, excepted
that the same person performs the same aquatic cycling exercise, without
modified the material, and its body position and anthropometric characteristics,
is very difficult that the external resistance always be the same, and
this is unfortunately a requisite for using determinate equations with
accuracy. It is well known that some of these requisites are modified
during a lot of aquatic cycling activities, this is very different from
sports cycling activities in which the same positions are usually maintained
for long periods of time (Barbado, 2005).
From other perspective, it must be considered that sometimes exercisers
are training with partners or in a massive group situation where a fixed
pedalling cadence is performed for everyone. In this very practical situations,
and due to usually the different exercisers can have different physical
conditioning levels, they need to change the resistance of the aquatic
cycling activity increasing or reducing the drag forces by means of the
modification of the mobile parts of the aquatic bicycle, which permits
to have a bigger or lower drag force (resistance), thus achieving a better
adaptation of the exercise for each of the exercisers. In this usual practical
case in the aquatic settings worldwide, it is needed also tools that can
help to monitoring the quality of the stimulus of the training. Thus,
in these specific cases, and taking in account the necessity of easy and
cheap procedures that can be employed in any place and for any person,
besides to employ heart rate as indicator of level of intensity, is need
other tools, as is the case of the RPE scale. With the RPE scale the technicians
and the users could have a good estimation of the intensity of the exercise,
and in this way they could do the practice more efficient and safety.
In definitive, we think that if all this considerations are analyzed
from a global point of view, Aquatic Cycling Scale is other type of accurate
tool that can help easily to monitor the safety and efficiency of the
practical applications of the aquatic cycling activities.
We would like to thank Dr. Garzon and Dr. Comtois for providing some
important reflections on our study and its findings. We take the opportunity
for congratulate them for their value research about the physiological
responses during the aquatic cycling. We hope to have clarified their
considerations with our commentaries.
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Research Unit in Sport and Health, Research Group in Prevention and Health in Exercise and Sport, University of Valencia, Spain |
E-mail: juan.colado@uv.es |
Celso Lisboa University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |